Sunday, 21 February 2016


I'm in a slump.

I haven't read anything, written anything or been even remotely productive for who-knows-how-long now - unless you count binge watching 4 seasons of awkward in 4 days. So this is me (oh dear I just swallowed a huge chunk of cucumber) forcing myself to get back in touch with life and write a blog post: how to win a fight against your worst self.

Step 1: Admit to yourself that you have a problem (i.e Put on some pants).

You're never going to get out of your slump if you're sitting at home all day in your pyjamas (which, by the way, could probably use a wash or two by now). Just by getting dressed and putting yourself through the normal routine of a productive day, you're making yourself feel ready to be put to work.

Step 2: Go outside.
Whether you're looking for inspiration or just a better attitude, leaving the house and going for a walk will get you there. Your body will be subject to various different sights, smells, sensations etc. that would not be available were you to just stay home where everything is the same - you'll be experiencing things that will make you think.

Step 3: Get to work.
It doesn't matter what your 'work' happens to be - maybe it's applying for jobs, homework, starting a new book, or writing - nothing is going to happen if you don't push past the barriers, and, as Shia Labeouf would say, just do it!
It doesn't matter if whatever-it-is doesn't turn out great at first - Rome wasn't built in a day! As long as you're producing something, that's pretty much all that matters because you're being productive. Take this post, for example. Maybe it's not as great or as helpful as it could be, but this is getting me started.

If you have any tips on how to get out of a slump, leave a comment below! I'd love to know what they are. And thanks for helping me get out of my slump :)

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