Tuesday, 20 September 2016


Today was a struggle waking up, and I ended up being late to the doctor's oops (well, late to meeting Rodney there). I did make it though, to get my b12 injection. When I got home, I didn't have much to do so I decided to make a cake! I ended up making a few little bundt cakes, and I'm going to try to decorate them as pumpkins, although I'll have to leave that for tomorrow because I didn't have enough time before dinner, and it's a bit late now.
I just used a normal vanilla cake recipe for the cakes (vegan, of course), and for the icing I was just going to mix icing sugar, water and food colouring.

(Incase you're wondering what those weird blobs are on the left, they're the cake bits I sliced off the top to make the bottoms flat!)

FYI, I'm still SO obsessed with Salem, but I think I'll survive if I don't go... Maybe. I messaged Rachel and she hasn't 'seen' it yet so who knows what will happen. I don't know if I'm up to travelling so far by myself just yet - maybe if it were much more planned and organised, or if I knew someone there.
But anyway, whatever happens, it will be okay. I can still have a super awesome Halloween here, just like I've been planning all year. Which reminds me, I need a dress!

Speaking of dresses, I've been Insta-stalking this amazing photographer Linda Blacker. The costumes and makeup she uses in her photos are so amazing, they're all very artistic and fairy-tale-esque. I just wanted to write it down, so if I'm ever reading through these again, I'll be reminded of her cool work and I can go see what she's done since I last looked.

And with that, I declare the end of day 5 xx

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